Welcome Elites
This section is designed to get you to your ideal level of fitness. For some people, their own meaning of Elite will be running a marathon or completing a 5k. Some may just want to look their best at the beach and others strive to be the best version of themselves, whether that's making it to the final levels or staying in the first few. No matter your approach you'll have more strength, power, endurance, and agility, without giving up flexibility and speed. You'll live a healthier and more energetic lifestyle that you can share with your family and friends well into your later years of life. NEF is a personal training experience that people from all walks of life can appreciate and benefit from.
The Elite section of Northern Elite Fitness (NEF) is a six-level program (I, II, III, IV, V, ELITE). At the end of each level, there is a physical test that must be passed in order to proceed to the next level. Each level is harder than the previous and after each level is passed the member receives a rebate of 10% on their total investment in that level (investment starts over at each new level). In order to make it to the next level, all requirements must be passed. Many people lack in areas of fitness, which can affect their progress. Having a heavy squat is cool and all, but if you lack core strength and rely on weight belts to add more plates to satisfy ego, your missing out on the fundamentals.
A certificate is given (if desired) for each level passed. Apparel with your level on it is also available for purchase.
Before anyone can begin the program they must pass the minimum standard fitness test. Exercises can change from year to year, but they don't differ from level to level, they only get harder.
Minimum Standard Fitness Test
5K Run
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Bench Press
29 & Under
29 & Under
Sub 36 min Sub 37 min Sub 38 min Sub 38 min Sub 39 min Sub 40 min
1 min 1 min 45 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec
15 12 8 5 4 3
2 1 1 N/A N/A N/A
BW BW BW 75% BW 70% BW 65% BW
75% BW 70% BW 65% BW 40% BW 35% BW 30% BW
BW BW BW 75% BW 70% BW 65% BW
* All minimum requirements must be met for a client to be able to participate in the Elite section. Females are not required to perform pulls ups on this test, so 6/7 exercises must be passed.
* $60 fee is charged for each test. **Test not included in rebates**
* Client has 1 hr to pass the requirements and may do it in any order he/she wishes.
* Once the test is completed, you're graded on your performance and depending on the results, you are allowed to begin LEVEL - I
Rebate Returned
The Grasshopper
New to working out? Still not sure where to start? This package is ideal for someone who is still building a solid foundation and general knowledge of fitness. Great for the new member or someone who is looking to try the Elite side of NEF.
*Package expires monthly and is 1 X per week
*Based on 1-hour sessions
Monthly Fee $220
The Warrior
Like hitting your workouts hard a couple times per week? Tired of the same old same old? A great package for the athlete, who wants more from their training.
*Package expires monthly and is 2 X per week
*Based on 1-hour sessions
Monthly Fee $400
The Silverback
Looking to get the most out of your time in the gym? Have goals and plan on accomplishing them, no matter what? The Silverback package is a perfect plan for the highly driven and motivated athlete.
*Package expires monthly and is 3 X per week
*Based on 1-hour sessions
Monthly Fee $540
1 on 1 Elite Sessions
# of sessions Rate Total cost
1- sessions $60 $60
5- sessions $55 $275
10- sessions $50 $500
20- sessions $45 $900
30- sessions $40 $1200
* Sessions expire in 6 months